Red Shade Games Gift Certificate - The perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries or any special occasion, you may send anyone with an email address a gift certificate usable for purchases with ANY of the Red Shade Games family including Trophy Fishing Online 2, Trophy Hunting Online, Andatura 4, Scrimmage Football and Godwars plus any future released games. You may choose an amount from $5 to $1000 as well as a personal message. You may even print the gift certificate yourself or have it delivered at a future date to the recipient. This is valid with SALES also so if the gift certificate is used then so if you buy someone a gift certificate and they use it during a +20% or other deal, they will RECEIVE the extra bonus points. Gift certificates DO NOT EXPIRE.


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gift_cards.txt · Last modified: 2014/03/17 19:43 by josh
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