M-Ranking, also known as “Manager Ranking” is one of the few characteristics that carry through from League to League in Fantasy Basebrawl, transforming your identity from a nameless manager into a manager with a history and track record.

Your M-Ranking changes each win positively or negatively on a lose. The higher the difference between the winner and loser, the larger the potential for loss or gain depending on who has more M-Ranking.

Calculation -

X = Difference in ELO's between Winner and Loser Y = X/40

If the winner ELO difference is still equal or greater than the loser's elo+250, both the winner and loser are adjusted by Y.

If the loser's ELO is 251 or more points than the winner, they will lose Y*2.

For Players and Number of Games Played :

* If you have over 20 games played, the change is 50%.

* If you have over 40 games played, the change is 25%.